
Top 50 Finalists | Bubble Competitions: Eliminating Loneliness

In collaboration with Aishwarya Mahadevan, Lakshita Munjal and Vidhi Bansal

Tools: Adobe Creative Suite, Figma, Keynote

It’s always advised that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But what if this “lemon” was a predefined and palpable problem, and turning it into “lemonade” everyday would teach you to interact with your society. Maybe then, your ignorant soul would learn to contribute to the world around you?

The pandemic of loneliness has spread because people have become so self- involved that they forget to even look up at the world that surrounds them. Now, what would happen if your beloved (but, lethal) electric connections and internet services, which are the root causes of this endemic, were snatched away from you for a specific period of time every day? You are then given just one option to bring back your lost companions, and that is to perform community activities with the people in your context, that contribute to the betterment of the environment.


PLAYotic | Competition: Toy, Product Design, Educational, Sensory, Visual and Spatial Design


A tribute to Star Wars | Illustrations and Character Art